“Mobile in your hand is the whole world in your hand.” In today’s fast paced life with it portability small compact size, connected with internet the quote is quiet correct. Mobile has brought everybody closer. Businesses throughout the world has recognized the importance of mobile and its contribution in keep the businesses connected to their prospects existing customer and even far flung markets surpassing the geographical boundaries.

Same is applicable in the human resources inside an organization also. Employees with new ways of connecting to workplaces are now looking for more flexibility. The distributed and remote teams need new methods of connectivity and have developed a new form of working environment. According to Deloitte, having a more mobile-friendlier workplace can help employees become more productive and encourage flexible working. 60% of respondents emphasized easier and faster access to information and improved work efficiency because of mobile technology, 49% appreciated the ability for flexible work, and 49% shared they were able to better collaborate with colleagues.

As the user engagement for mobile applications continues to grow, more businesses are recognizing mobility as a growing priority and are starting to actively integrate enterprise mobile apps and devices into their internal workflows. While enterprise mobile apps are proven to become key to workplace productivity, a search for best practices in design, development and deployment of best corporate mobile app to serve the needs of employees is now important for all organizations.

I have tried to list few of the best practices based on our mobile development expertise.

Functionality based on Employees’ needs Business objectives:- I believe a Corporate Mobile App should not only be a mode of contact information but should also be an additional channel for corporate communication. We can include almost all the information important like quality management system guidelines, public emergency information, corporate rules and policies. The main function of such Application can be the time saving in daily reporting and basic time management activities and facilitating the communication inside the organization

Contact Information of all for all at one place: All contact information i.e. email, phone, Skype etc. should be available to all. Users should be allowed to connect with others. Searching, adding, people and additional information i.e. seniority level, department, some personal information i.e. DOB, Cabin number, Anniversary can also be added. All this data allows for more efficient communication, but also gives the chance to get to know your colleagues better, even those you rarely interact with on a regular basis.

Quick access to frequently used resources and general policy documents:-Access to corporate internal news portal and the HR monthly newsletter can be made accessible to all at any time. According to Statista, in 2018 the total daily time that American adults spend with mobile media was around 203 minutes (3 hours and 23 minutes).

Functionality for optimum utilization of Resources: App can be used to find the resources availability at any time i.e. in future as well as instant availability. This can help in improving work productivity, time management, and accountability for system. A simple example can be the availability of meeting rooms right now and in future. Meeting room can be booked for future dates also. The system should also be able to find the availability of other resources at the same time i.e. the availability of colleague who should be the part of meeting.

Mobile Reporting System:- Productivity measurement is the prime consideration in any business as the productive operations and resources should be rewarded and unproductive operations or resources should be converted into productive one. The resources and operations productivity measurement can be automated using the mobile applications where users can add their daily reports in a simple, streamlined way.

Interactive communication about corporate events and internal employee activities:- This feature can be used to promote a warm atmosphere and friendly relationships inside the company. Users should be able to receive and send notifications, greetings and other information i.e. availability to attend any corporate event to all or selected participants.

  • In-depth research and analysis of users’ needs for product success
  • Developing an architecture which allows streamlined integration with other corporate tools and systems.
  • User-friendly design to streamline and ease user interactions.
  • Security and Usability test for every new feature added.
  • Improvement in Mobile App based on Customer feedback

These practices can be used for creating value for users and organization also. The whole of the functionalities should be able to achieve the desired level of mobility to save time and resources. The valuable data made accessible to employees from anywhere made easy for organization to communicate with all its resources. The reward system can also be integrated with Mobile App that helps organization to streamline their performance management system also. It will bring the rationality in performance system and helps to communicate the expectations and rewards to employees. Addition of companies’ details, mission statement, vision policies and procedures can help the newcomers in quick and easy on-boarding and adaptation

Such apps can help to foster corporate culture inside the company, stimulate open, efficient communication, maintain transparent working processes, as well as facilitate accountability and efficiency. These thoughts can be adopted to meet the needs of organizations for time management, reporting flexibility, improving communication inside the company and boosting engagement.

We will be happy to answer your questions on designing, developing, and deploying a comprehensive enterprise mobile apps that best fit your organization need.

As a reputed Software Solutions Developer we have expertise in providing dedicated 

remote and outsourced technical resources for software services at very nominal cost. Besides experts in full stacks We also build web solutions, mobile apps and work on system integration, performance enhancement, cloud migrations and big data analytics. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us!

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