Use Online Listening for Competitive Research

Conducting primary market research and audience research, and purchasing secondary studies are fundamental ways communicators inform and align their efforts to produce relevant results. Obvious. While amazingly helpful and unquestionably valuable, beyond simple surveys, the downside is that this type of research is often expensive and time consuming to produce.

9 Blog Failures and Remedies

No question that blog publishing is a do-it-yourselfers paradise. Especially with WordPress, only a modicum of technical competency is enough to set up and run a credible blog.

However, if your blog is integral to your business I suggest working with people that specialize in blog design and development. I’m working with Unique Blog Designs, whose designs for Ted Murphy, Shoemoney and others I liked a lot.

7 Ways AI is Revolutionizing Content Creation

Artificial intelligence and machine learning have proven their worth in digital marketing. But will they steal the jobs of content writers?

While that may be a far-fetched question, marketers can improve the quality of content creation using AI.

Statista estimates that by 2025, the total data creation will grow to more than 180 zettabytes globally. And AI and ML will certainly play their role in this content creation.